Thursday, May 27, 2010

Doing it BIG, like Texas.

Wednesday May 26th, 2010

I slept in till almost noon today, felt AMAZING!!! Got ready & Lyssa and I went exploring to go to the grocery store, only to find it closed for ciesta already.. oy ve. We did find this INSANE shop though... Imagine IKEA mixed with a dollar store. They had anything and everything for super cheap! Maybe they should call the store Made In China? They have really cute shoes though for only like 10 euros.. I may go back for them.

Then we walked to class, OWNED our first exam, and watched a movie the rest of the time for our first class. Second class (lit) was very interesting...kind of... learned all about the middle ages! Wooo. He asked what era we would like to live in if we could pick and my hand shot up and I said when Frank Sinatra was alive. Hahah he said I made him feel old! Too funny.

Got out of class at 8 met court and carly in the lobby, went and got a glass of wine at this small cafe outside and shared some assorted croquetas! Mine tasted like stuffing or reminded of Thanksgiving somehow! Delicious. Took the tram to Prado got off and decided to meet there at 10:30 to go out for the first time EVER in SPAIN!!! Woooo.

Lyssa and I went home and had the most AMAZING tasting arroz con pollo EVER. Seriously so good. Pigged out, got ready. Lyssa looked super cute and borrowed my leopard shirt. We met the girls at Prado and took a cab to Calle Betiz. It is basically a street lined with bars along the Guadalquivir River. We told our friends Tina and Joey that we would meet them at this bar called Long Island. Welllllll like always, we somehow got lost and couldnt find it. We asked these grandpas where it was and they helped us find it. Also being the typical 'us' we got there right as he was unlocking the door to open it. The first thing I noticed when we walked inside were the WHITE SOX & BEARS banners he had on the ceiling! How awesome is that?! Annnnd he was wearing a Chicago shirt!!! Carly & I ordered a Long Island, Court got Malibu and pineapple, and lyssa got 1 euro Tinto!! woowoo. Whats with baretenders giving us Kahlua for free? Hhaha, we all had one round of that & learned the sweetest Spaniard chant EVER. This is how it goes: Arriba! Abajo! Al Centro! ADENTRO!!! haha for you English speakers that translates as: UP! DOWN! MIDDLE! DRINK! Court got a Long Island. Carly & I were deciding what to have next. We found this list of shots. It had the 50 states and a different shot for each state. We decided to do it big like Texas, and got a round of Black Absinth. Dont worry it wasnt the stuff that makes you see things haha. BUT it was absolutely disgusting and WAY to strong. We had to order cokes to mix it with because it was to much. It stung. We left after that because, TINA wasnt even there! Everyone else in ISA was, but no Tina! We decided to go find her! We went to another bar that was called Big Ben, again packed with ISA kids and Americans haha. Someone told us Tina was by Plaza Nueva which was way too far, so we decided to stay for a bit. Court Car & I took a shot of rum, and about an hour later we left.

Some how we got the party cab! Hahah this guy was hilarious playing american music and cranked it up all the way. It was so much fun! Got home & skyped with my boo =] Made my night even better. <3>

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